Robin at large

By Robin

Iron Feelings

This came through the letter box today, along with other advertising junk. I don't know about the ironing being an ever growing pile, the mountains of junk mail must be an ever growing land fill.

Hate is probably too strong a word, but I can certainly think of many other things I would rather do. Ironing would be on the list, but not at the top of my list of hates. In fact probably rates more as one of the boring tasks in life, but not hateful. Imagine what ironing must have been like before we had irons and ironing boards.

I expect we would have had lots of servants, and would have had no idea how the immaculately pressed clothes arrived every day. Ahh, those were the days, where did they go? Servants that is, not the clothes.

OK I apologise, this was a rather lazy Blip, rather like getting somebody else to do the ironing, which of course is the whole point of the advert. Should I keep the phone number I wonder. It does not look outrageously expensive!

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