Fright Night
Ok, so I'm late. In more ways than one. Late with Hallowe'en-y-ness and late with blipping this. My always hopeful plans of doing a couple of hours work in the morning were scuppered by not waking until 9. And then re-scuppered by not getting out of bed until 10. Happily the kids had breakfasted and got themselves ready, so we were not too late for seeing our friends in Castres.
I think the kids had a lovely time. I'm not sure as I didn't really see them much - occupied as they were with four other English speaking kids of their own age. Meanwhile, we three mums chatted, ate, drank (a little) and laughed much. A fine lunch and a very welcome day off.
Home then to put the kids to bed, eat some doggy bag pizza and have a blissfully early night, kept company only by this upside down balloon monster and a scratching in the wall from a new creature that's taken up residence in the house, and taken to eating all our fruit. Mr B says it looks really cute, so we can't set traps. I'm happy to just lock the apples away in a box, and I'd even leave one out for it every now and then if it would stop crapping everywhere in the kitchen.
Moving soon...
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