I just typed out a massive write up gushing about how great you all were etc etc

You know the format: 365 blip results in much waxing lyrical about how great this site is and how everyone is wonderful. Yeah well I wrote one of them.

You can guess what happened. My internet connection briefly got lost coming through the poxy dongle and I lost the lot. Now I don't feel so passionate about blip and therefore will probably write much worse. It's a shame really as the picture is real crap. It's the visualisations from my Xbox on the telly, layered with an effect or two. Crap I know but then again my journal has often been about my charming and cutting edge personality rather than my shutter clicking. If it's any consolation the Xbox was playing the track Debaser by the Pixies. Chooon.

Yeah so thanks for stopping by blah blah blah. Blip is great etc etc. Loads of ace people and so on and so on. You get the gist. I love you all, you appreciate my Dr Jekyll and ignore the Mr Hyde and as such we get on well.

I would like to thanks blip for one thing in particular: my girlfriend. Many of you may not be aware but recently I have been seeing quite a bit of Bryher. Well we didn't want to broadcast too much too soon, but we've spent some lovely times together, and we are going to give it a go. She is lovely and perfectly compliments me..... plus she cooks a mean steak. Next time I see her I hope we can do a blip together to celebrate how we met.

If we do I'm photoshopping it first. I look extremely tired from my 50 odd hour weeks recently and for our first official photo I wanna look buff. Y'know how it is.

In other news my job is still the dogs danglers. this was my fourth week and the branch manager went on holiday for a week. Y'know what that means? Yours truly was managing a branch with a £3,000,000 turnover for the week. I feel I've regained my self worth and zip for life. It may mean a few less blips, but it also means I have been smiling a bit.

I still hate X factor though. Load of toss.

Thanks y'all, heres to 365 more (over about 400 days probably).

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