With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Bella Bella

Little Agu and I fell more than a little in love with her today.

I have felt about an hour out all day. Ben hopped off with me to the airport, and made a new friend to share the journey with. The car has been deposited for some new wheel bearings, thankfully diagnosed by Mike listening to the rumblings I seem to become immune to. We had a farewell late lunch with F and the fabulous family of friends that have been over to see her this week. Lovely to meet you all at last! Agu was out of school in time for ice cream in the square and a race around with Bella, a rousing chorus of 5 little monkeys down Calle Sa Lluna had some locals joining in, and then music for Little A.

I'm downing the lemsip and the chirri mirri rain has set in for the weekend it seems. I might have to light the first fire of the season with the wood I got from Isabel. Bella, bella!

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