
By karenjulia

Supermarket rose #7

I took this photo this morning, since then I've been to Wellington and back. Normally I'd take my camera but because I was helping Kariba pack up her room and was bring back a suitcase full of her clothes, I didn't want to have to carry it.

The day went well - good flights up and back, lunch with Kariba, dinner with her and Zane and home.

This is #7 in my series of $4.99 roses from New World. Priceless!

Series: (there may be others I've missed tagging)
#1 March 2011 - White rose
#2 March 2011 - Yellow rose (Earthquake Memorial Day)
#3 March 2011 - Red rose
#4 May 2011 - Cream rose
#5 April 2011 - Pink rose (to be truthful I think this may have been from mum's garden (mum?) but that's even better!
#6 August 2011 - Flame rose

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