Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


We've been to the zoo today. It's been raining nearly all day, so it was a rather soggy trip to the zoo, but I'm glad we didn't give up and go home, as I think we all really enjoyed ourselves. My mum came with us, the first time she has visited the zoo since I was a pre-teen! We fed the elephants, and went in the sealion tunnel. Master Pink pretended to be a ferret in the ferret tunnel. He overcame his fear of goats, and we overfed them in the pygmy goat village. It's shriek week at Colchester Zoo, so it was a bit bizarre seeing lots of witches and wizards, pumpkins and vampires walking around, but we didn't stay for the late night opening tonight.
Miss Pink really enjoyed the penguins, as they were being very friendly today and swam up to the glass several times and looked like they were trying to nibble her fingers.

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