
"Say cheese?"
"Ok.... Say.... Drumsticks"

Ben was speaking into my nose this morning at quarter past seven saying "look mummy, sun come up! I play my drums mummy? mummy wake up!!!"

Somehow he was distracted until 9am which I felt was a much more civilised time to start drumming. But, while we have been in today, he has not stopped drumming.

We've been out a fair bit. We went out this morning for me to get pampered - I got my feet done! An hour of treatment, with Ben on and off my knee, sometimes cuddling, sometimes playing with cars or watching cbeebies in the next room. It was lovely. I have happy feet now! And, and this is a big thing for me, somebody else cut my toenails for me. Since mum stopped cutting them for me as a child, NOBODY has cut my toenails other than me. I have a bit of a thing about it. I'm a bit scared of other people cutting my nails, truth be told. But it wasn't so bad. I suppose...! Feet a feeling very happy now though.

I dropped the car off at the garage on the way home because although we usually have to pump the front drivers' side tyre up once a week because the alloys are so corroded the tyre beading fails after a month, we've been having to pump it up from almost flat every couple of days recently and figured it must be a slow leak or something.

Turned out to be a ruddy great big nail in the shoulder of the tyre! No wonder it was going flat so quickly. So the car has a happy foot again with a new tyre on it. As soon as the weather turns we'll be swapping the rims over for the winter set, and seeing about getting the alloys reconditioned at last.

And then it was off to the shops once we'd picked the car up again. Picked up some bits for baby - I figured that a vest and socks might not actually be enough to bring him home from the hospital in - even with a blanket wrapped around him, so I've splashed out and bought 3 sleepsuits. And a pair of scratch mitts to protect me more than anything. And a funky hat which is going to be miles too big on him but is the same style as Ben's new winter hat.

We came out from that shop to be greeted by HUGE raindrops coming down rather fast and got rather wet getting back into the car. But by the time we'd gone round the corner into the next carpark the rain had stopped and the sun had come out! We were chilly so it was straight into the cafe for us: Ben wanted hot chocolate and a chocolate owl. I managed to not give him a whole hot chocolate by tipping it into another cup under the pretence of letting it cool down. It worked - he only had half! And managed to not spill ANY - right up until the very last mouthful which went straight down his teeshirt. *sigh*

Grocery shopping done - to the tune of him singing very very loudly and laughing and giggling quite a lot - and in the car and suddenly he decided he did actually need the toilet before we set off again!

Off to pick daddy up - he'd had to take the train and bus to work this morning as I needed the car! - and to give Shaun a lift home too. Ben remembered Shaun and asked for him to sit in the back with him, and chattered to him ALL the way home.

Ben is very chatty these days. He remembers things that I kind of don't expect him to remember. For example we went past a playpark, and he recalled that he'd gone to a playpark with Christina and Halil and Ede, and played in the playpark while mummy and daddy went to the hospital to see baby on the hospital tv! Quite a lot of detail.

I am shattered now. Steve's had to cook dinner because all I wanted to do was collapse (I did a blood test which explained a little bit of the collapsibleness, but really I was just shattered as I've not had any rest time today other than the foot pampering this morning) and now Steve is playing with (well, sitting with, while Ben bounces off the walls) Ben. I think I'm going to have to collapse into bed with Ben when he finally crashes. The drums have gone to bed anyway now. (Phew.)

Was planning to go into town to get Ben some trousers that might fit him tomorrow, but I think that may have to be postponed until Thursday! My parents are calling in tomorrow anyway on their way back home from France to say hello and Happy Birthday to Ben (and me), so that may be my Activity for the day. Got to make thankyou cards at some point too!


Massive hit. Literally.

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