Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Cabbages :)

Well not really cabbages but Brassica (I think that is what they are called!?)

When we went to Nottingham at the weekend, I bought my friend a bunch of these with lilies and treated myself to some too. They are so unusual but lovely - very autumnal. I am hoping the dogs don't take a fancy to them - if they do they will either eat them or wee up them :)

Early-ish Blip as I am off to a meeting in Banbury now, and then heading to Oxford where I am staying tonight as I have an early meeting tomorrow too. One of my friends at work has just got into jogging so I am taking my trainers and we are hoping to get up for an early morning jog before out meeting tomorrow - we will see :) I haven't ran for over a year but really enjoyed it when was in to it. I'll let you know tomorrow!

Anyway, must dash. I hope your week is a good one so far :)

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