Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Blip Blockage

I always get Blip block when I have to get up at 530am to head to London. It is such a long day and the last thing I am thinking of is photos. This is a shot of the book I am reading next - I think it may be a bit heavy for me. It's called 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'. It is about events in Afghanistan over the last thirty years. I only have 100 pages of my chick lit book to read so should be done some point this week.

I, literally, bumped into Kerry Katona at Euston station. She is so dinky, shorter than my 5ft 4" and so tiny. She had a lovely purple coat on and a big woolly hat on. Very pretty and very nice. I guess sometimes you shouldn't always believe what you hear about people....................

Time for dinner now. A lovely Indian lady who Mr G did work for has given him some curry for us to try - there is lots of lentils in the curry, one of my favourites.

One day down 4 to go BlipLand :)

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