michigan man

By outdoorguy

Birthday Party

It's hard to believe...that our grandson is already a year old. His birthday is the 26th, but we celebrated today with a huge crowd of family and friends. It was a soup dinner with 4 of us making big pots.

The Little Man, Buddy-boy, the Merrick Man, Grandpas Baby...thinks he is a big shot walking outside on the grass, and in new shoes. The only trouble? Lousy shrubs with poisonous berries that Junior wants to put in his mouth. It's still everything to the mouth.

We eventually got around to opening some presents. The area in front of the Tv was covered with gifts. "C'mon people!!! It's his first birthday!!!" He was more interested in ripping up the paper than caring what was inside the package. His beautiful blue eyes did light up a couple of times. He got 2 dozen bright orange practice golf balls, and just had to open them. Then, he got a bright red toy box. When he decided he couldn't climb in it...he had to start winging the golf balls into it. Maybe that's something his parents can start working on...putting away his toys. HA.

The pictures start from the upper left, and go clock-wise.
1. "Why did they take my shirt and pants off...and leave me with just a diaper on...in front of all these people? And...what is that strange round thing that Dad is putting in front of me?
2. "How am I doing...Dad? Why aren't you stopping me when I put my hands in it? Can you get Aunt Lori a little closer? I'd like to rub her face in whatever this stuff is."
3. "When I finally tasted it...it's pretty good. Can someone call VG'S grocery store, and thank them for giving me my first cake? ( Such a thoughtful little guy.)
4. "I'm nearing the end...Grandma. I'm trying to look like a smurf. Is it working...Grandma? Mom...wheres my Mom? I think I need a bath, and I think I need it now. Not too hot...you know how I like it. What happens when I start flinging this stuff on the floor?" That was the end of the cake.

It's been fun to watch the Little Man grow up. I think you tend to forget going through these times with your own kids...so it's nice to have a re-fresher course. Merrick Perry...he's a keeper.

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