Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Father and Son

We have had quite the social day today.

This morning, we trotted round to our friend, Panto Bev's house, so that we could raid her dressing up box. The reason for this will be revealed later in the week......

Then, our godson, Oz came round for a Sunday roast, along with his parents....

And finally, not allowing ourselves to collapse into an overfed heap, we went to Richmond this evening to see the very excellent Kate Rusby in concert. This is the fourth time we have seen her, and we enjoy her as much as ever. Sadly, there was a no photography policy at the gig - but that is fine, I am happy with this.

This is Oz with his dad, Phil. By this stage in the day, Oz was getting tired of trying to make two year old conversation with us, so to enable us to have some adult conversation, we stuck 'Tom and Jerry' on. As you can see, Phil was equally engrossed.

Shall I tell you an interesting snippet about Phil? By day, he is a civil servant, but by night he is film reviewer extraordinaire, writing reviews on new releases for a number of websites. What he doesn't know about films and 'Doctor Who' is not worth knowing.

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