
By andyclicks


My poor piano :'(

This isn't my actual personal, home piano, but 'my school piano'. It's the only almost-decent piano in school. The one that's just about in tune and I play it every morning and after school. However I arrived this morning to hear there'd been an accident, and when it was being moved one of the legs broke and it's been taped off. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon and will sound just as before.

It was a fairly average day at school again today. We had a fire alarm which i'd forgotten about until last minute, meaning I did do something a bit silly but I won't go into detail about that. After school I had voiceworks (choir) rehearsal which went alright. It's sad to say that the Lady Gaga song we're doing is actually coming on.

Other than that not much has happened, slept for quite a bit this evening cause I didn't get back till just before 7. I was meant to be having a friend round who's gone off to Guildhall College of Music, as she's down for the week and she wanted to pick up a piece of music and 'bash through it' too. But unfortunately her mum needed the car, so she couldn't make it. But we'll re-arrange so that'll be lovely.

Sorry the photo's a bit dull, but I didn't take any others today. I took it earlier on in the day as a sort've safety-blip. In the sight that I may not actually take any other photos. And hey! I was right!

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