
By andyclicks


This morning seems absolute years ago it's crazy.

Not a great deal happened during the day particularly. We did however have our prospective art teachers in school, who would be covering my teacher while she is away having her baby. I initially met one lady who seemed very nice, and then all the teachers were asked to teach a sort of workshop lesson to a class of sixth formers. However we didn't get taught by this lady, but by another man who's name I didn't actually catch.

It was quite interesting though, we were doing cubist collage stuff which is also somewhat relevant to the work i was doing. But personally I found it more interesting to analyse his teaching style. Although he was obviously very clever and creative, and nice, I personally felt like he was trying to tick off boxes and show what he could do in a somewhat mechanical manner.

Nevertheless i'm sure school will make the right decision. After school however I stayed untill about 7.45 in the end, because it was my parent teacher evening. And I thought i'd take the opportunity to get some work done until then, so I was in the music room practising my composing. The parent teacher went fairly well, not quite up to my normal standard, but I wasn't expecting this at all. It was a little emotional at times, especially talking to my music teacher, it's going to be so hard leaving. She was chatting away for at least 25 minutes!

Anyways I got this result when I spoke to my english teachers. We did an english test last week I think it was, and I heard about it the day before so didn't really have a chance to revise, and I must say I was quite pleased to get this result! I've been really worried about how far behind I am, and letting myself down and all sorts recently. It was a bit of a pick me up, definitely helped after a lot of negativity I have been getting from some. Not taking it as the 'all-clear' though because it most definitely isn't. It's just a little light at the end of the tunnel.

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