michigan man

By outdoorguy

Lakefront Property (sort of)

Fridays with Merrick (grandson) was a delightful day. It lasted from 9:45 a.m. until about 4:15 p.m....with an 90 minute nap (60 minutes for me.)

The little man is so enamored with his new walking legs...that it is just walk, walk, walk. It's a circle from the living room to the dining room to the kitchen...sometimes with a stop in the kitchen to empty any cupboard he can get into. Grandpa sometimes trails behind on all fours until my knees can't take any more.

I took the long way home...looking for cows and cranes. Cow count-0. Crane count- 7.

An old wooden sign drew me in from the main road and I went down a country path. It read Old Stone Cabin with Lake Access. Sounded intriguing. The pot-holed road led me to the old motor that announced I had reached the place. They were right about one thing. It was old. If you look closely...you can see giant gaps between the door and the stone. Already air-conditioned. I had to make the call for some details.

I asked a few questions of the guy who answered the phone. The lot is 60 x 120. The access is shared by 4 lots, and is a 2-track path to the water. There is no dock. "Uhhh...aren't you going to ask me how much?" "Give me time." The small lake is 80 acres. I was finally out of questions. "OK...how much?" "Uhhh...it's 12-15 thousand."

What kind of price is that? If I was interested would he expect me to say..."OK...you hooked me with the sign and the motor...I'll give you the 15." I felt like a good reporter until I said..."I've got a friend who might be interested...I'll call you back if he is." Yeah...right.

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