Colorful Corn Cob

A lazy Blip Sunday. Places to be without camera in tow.

After church, and after dropping the little man off (he feels much better), we were going to meet my future son-in-laws mom and significant other. A half hour from our house. A western type grill. After we arrived... I told Lisa I should take pictures of the buffalo and elk on the wall. She told me that I didn't need to make a bad first show my crazed-man-with-camera side. So, I didn't.

Drove the back roads home, and stopped in a local burg. Stuck our noses into a 50 year old candle factory. The nose is the first to know. Strong scents to smell, strong cents to buy, and strong sense to walk out...although Lisa bought a couple of things.

The "main" street was accented by bales of hay, pumpkins, scarecrows, and Indian corn.

I've always loved Indian corn. The colors always aMAIZE me. So pretty. The part I don't like is paying for it. 3 dried cobs for 3 dollars. As the pirate said..."That's a buccaneer." Sorry for that one.

I don't believe in reincarnation, but if I did...I would like to come back as somebody who wasn't so cheap.

Have a great week!

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