Proof (sigh)
My car has had a broken fan for ages, so there was the whole saga with the Audi garage who quoted nearly 1,000 euros to replace the whole thing. So we took it to our lovely local garageman, who today told me (having had the car since Thursday) that it's a fuse, he's ordered a replacement for less than 10 euros and it should be fine. And he'd fit it whenever suited us (Thursday morning) and washed the car and checked the tyre pressures before I left.
All good.
Trouble is, when I dropped the car off I took a snap of the milometer, and it was 19 miles lower. So what do I do? Nice garageman or someone with access to his key cupboard has twice (to my knowledge though I don't have photographic evidence of the first one) driven my car about. I mean, you couldn't run up 19 miles on a garage forecourt, could you?
Do I just accept this on the basis that he's really nice and looks after our cars, sometimes without charge? What happens if something happens to the car - are we insured for that? Is he insured for that? Bright ideas please...
In other news, painting. More painting. I'm officially bored with painting. I'm off to London in a few days and am overjoyed with the thought of six straight days without needing to scrub paint out of my fingernails and off my eyelashes.
In delightful news, Mr B says I can start on window puttying soon. I love my life, I love my life, I love my life.
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