Journey Through Time

By Sue

Mute Swan

I talked my spouse into a nice walk at the Steigerwald Lake Wildlife Refuge east of Vancouver. It's a beautiful day and it was perfect for our walk. It's a great place for a nice hike as the trail isn't that long and it's flat. The prize of the day was seeing this Mute Swan browsing for lunch in this water area that was fairly close to where we were standing. A better camera/lens set up would have really done this swan justice, but I am thrilled to have seen it and capture it for my blip today.

After our hike we went to Camas and had lunch. Now, it's nap time! LOL

Have a great week, Blippers. I hope you can take a few seconds and look at a few other images of our trek.

Look what else we saw:
The Lake

A door that leads to another trail. Closed in winter months.

Praying Mantis Macro. This lady with a bunch of kids had found this guy. One of the boys let me take this photo with the mantis on his arm.

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