
Bloody phones! Last November I foolishly upgraded (thats a joke) from my trusty Blackberry Bold to one calle Blackberry Torch, well it was the biggest heap of junk ever! Half the time it crashed, went on a go slow or I would disable the speaker with my ear and all the other person could hear was me effing and blinding about the phone. Its too soon to get an upgrade for myself so I came up wth a cunning plan!
Chubby hubby was due an upgrade so I got him to get me the smaller Blackberry Bold 9780, a smaller slimmer phone with none of this touchscreen jiggery pokkery. Then my problems began, could I get the bloody new phone to take up any of the stuff on my stupid Torch?
Anyhows chubby hubby who is a genius in these things managed to do it except I couldnt get any Facebook updates etc so I decided to phone vodafone.

What is it with these damn companies ? will they put a phone number on any of their stuff? will they chook! If you phone up about any other problem other than wishing to purchase a new phone, they leave you hanging on the flaming phone or cut you off and you have to go through upteem danged answering responses to speak to some stupid human being.
I now just phone the number that says I want to buy a new phone or increase my tarrif as they answer it first them I pretend to be in the wrong dept and they transfer me.
However after an eternity ~I finally got them to sort my pin no then I had to go through the same resky process again for chubby hubby as I gave him my useless Torch (see if it works for him!!!!)

Anyhow I now have a nice wee BB that I hope will not be crashing every five minutes and I wont be cutting folks off mid flow! and hubby has yet another phone. He uses three, my torch, his own Nokia and my son's old Samsung!

We are a very technological family, some of us that is!

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