This day

By snapper

Train spotting

Aye train spotting for teuchtars that is! What anoraks chubby hubby and I were racing the Finlaggan CalMac ferry through the sound to Kennacraig to get a photo!
Took a run to Campbeltown and stopped at Westport enroute to let the dogs get a run. Got caught in a huge shower of hailstones as big as golf balls. Carried on to the wee toon had a snack then meandered back.

This computer is on some sort of go slow or else I need to move a gazillion pics onto an external drive. Serious camera club tomorrow night so need to llok out a pic or two for their competition. Not sure I have anything decent but hat the heck its fun trying.

Must go to bed now as sleep is calling

Have a good blip all

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