
God when I clocked these slippers in a shop in St Andrews I went all sweaty!.
28 years ago when were still a courtin , hubby bought me my first Christmas present....a pair of slippers with faux purple fur round them!!!Aaarrrgghh they were horrible. I offered them to my granny but even she said that JD Williams had better style than that and refused to wear them too. Our romance almost never saw another Christmas!.

However the second Christmas came and I was in dread of it! What did he buy? A box that opened out and had writing paper (he lived on the island and I lived on the mainland) however the bloody box also contained Tweed perfume which is usually a perfume one associates with little old ladies and old folks homes!

Come the third Christmas I had chosen to ignore his bad taste in presents and wated with baited breath for the next one!....a bloody big mirror with a light on it!!! Honestly I should have divorced him there and then. He said it was because I wore contact lenses and to help me see putting them in better!.
After that I was very specific about any gift . Next week we will be celebrating our 26th wedding anniversary so as you can tell he wasnt all bad

Now the kids give him suggestions for pressies for mam! Though I still say "no slippers"

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