This day

By snapper


Today was very diffirent to anything I have ever done. Two years ago an old family friend died, she was 91 and had been widowed for over 50 years and had never had a family. She did however have loads of friends,my mother being one of them!

Anyhow she was cremated and I thought that was that!. A few days ago I got a call from her late husbands neice who had organised her funeral etc saying they had traced where Sadies husband was buried so she was travelling up to Scotland to have Sadies ashes buried in his grave. We offered to go along for support so today we found ourselves standing at a graveside in Wishaw with a priest and two other folks. There was a little square hole already dug about three feet deep. She placed the casket (the first time I had seen one of them too) in the wee hole and the priest said a few wee prayers, he then left and we stood there with this little casket sitting in this hole and we blethered about her for about 20 minutes! All very surreal!

After that chubby hubby and I decided to visit St Andrews as we had never been there so off we went. It was a very nice wee town with a ruined castle and a ruined cathedral and some very quaint shops. From there we took the scenic route home to Glasgow.

All in all a very diffirent day but nice none the less. Hope Sadie is happy being re united with her husband! she never said much about him but when she did wasnt always complemenarty! Hope she doens decide to haunt the nece for that one!

Have a good blp weekend all

St Andrews cathedral in the pc

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