michigan man

By outdoorguy


Sign, sign, everywhere a sign,
blocking out the scenery...breaking my mind.
Can't you read the sign?
Five Man Electric Band...1971

People who know that I go out to the state park frequently ask me if I ever hike the trails. I always answer.." I used to." I suppose they assume that because I'm older that I don't hike anymore. Not true. I don't hike out there anymore since they put the yellow signs up. There are 4 of them throughout the park. It is a picture of an Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake. The sign also points out that the snake is protected. There have been quite a few sightings, and one guy got bit while overturning trees...looking for the snake. I hate to think these thoughts...but I remember reading the story in the paper, and thinking..."Serves him right."

I think I hate snakes worse than Indiana Jones. I don't even like garter snakes. I was out there shooting milkweed plants...venturing off the paved roads...and I just couldn't bring myself to go in too deep in the brush...because I couldn't get the sign out of my head.

Even with all the trips I have taken out west and east and south...I have never seen a rattler in the wild, AND I HOPE I NEVER DO!!!

I do love the Take Only Pictures...Leave Only Footprints sign. What I like to do is...right before getting out of my car...I gather up all my trash from the front and back seats...hit the trail...then start winging the trash to the left and to the right. It saves me money...because in our city...you have to pay a weekly fee to have them pick up the garbage. You just have to make sure none of the stuff you throw on the trail has your name on it. If it did...the rangers might find it and sic a snake on me. EEEKKKKK!!!! (I can't believe that I went to church this morning, and I can still tell a lie like that!)

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