A Canterbury Tail

By Canterbury

Meeces Feeces

Last night while reading in the living room I heard a bit of a scatch and a pitter patter of little feet. Didn't sound like they were on the roof, it sounded like they were coming from the attic.

This morning a quick check in the attic revealed the meeces feeces, enough evidence for me. A quick visit to the NZ equivalent of B&Q (Bunnings for those in NZ or Oz) and I purchased a couple of traps. I had a look but couldn't find anything as flash as these.

It seems that in NZ mouse traps are just darn nasty looking. The first trap I looked at scared the willies out of me, looked like it could take your arm off if you set it wrong. It was with a bit of relief that I realised it was a rat trap, I spotted the mouse traps further down the aisle.

Hopefully they will be effective. (I keep expecting to hear the snap as the jaws of death spring round a wee rodent helping itself to my crunchie peanut butter.)

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