Angel beans

meditation beans or a devil's mask beans or....something. There's lots of stories about these beans, one of which being that if you have these beans you will never be poor. Not quite sure if that's true but if my bank account paid so much interest as these beans do then I would certainly be very rich. I found two beans in my pocket when I was planting out other beans in the spring. A work colleague had given them to me and they'd been lying around for ages. So, I planted them. And then I planted the little bean plants out in a flower bed because I had room there. Today we shelled all the beans and counted these white ones and we have 42!!! Which is, of course, the meaning of life! So not only are we rich, we also have the meaning of life growing in our garden!! The original inspiration came out of a garden anyway, as Douglas Adams apparently said "I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do' I typed it out. End of story"

If we plant them all next year we'll have about 1700 (says my daughter) beans.

I'm off to talk to my bank manager, I feel he might be doing something wrong.....

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