
By IzzyK

Stirrings in the night...

...I was rudely awoken last Sunday night to a rustling sound in my bedroom went on immediate high alert suspecting a mouse. I was trying to figure where I was hearing the sound when my ears directed to me my curtains to find a humongous spider hanging about & making a bloody racket. Well at least it wasn't a mouse!

He (or maybe it was a she) was promptly evicted but it was not till the next morning when I was working when the strangest group of insects I'd ever seen started to wander across my desk, again I was not too bothered & was heading to grab my camera when I noted there were loads more following through the window. Looking out I realised the ivy that had grown up the front of my house had become the landing point for every fly & insect going. Time to put a stop to it especially as my 11 year old hates spiders as much as I hate mice.

My lovely neighbour's son arrived with his ladder to pull down all the ivy but THE most exciting bit was getting rid of the two satellite dishes at the front of the house. It's only taken 4,678 days to achieve this & I cannot describe how thrilled I am to finally get rid of them.

Guess I better mow the lawn tomorrow to complete the tidy front of house effect!

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