Candlemaker Row

Yet another in the series, visit, why don't you.

This is Candlemaker Row leading to the Grassmarket which I admit I have blipped before a) because it's nearby and b)it hardly ever looks like this.
Usually there are cars and vans parked impeding the entrance from and the egress into George IVth Bridge for the big Red Tour buses and the no 2 Lothian Bus.

Having seen no-one save for his Lordship yesterday, I have been over compensating today: coffee with a neighbour, who unlike most of the others, is over 25, and then a mosque lunch with 4 male strippers blippers- Red, Wingpig, Tractor Factory and Andy Moffat.
Much of the bloke talk was about crankshots. I can hardly lift my bike up over the kerb far less my head, so I had nothing to offer on that score.

I left before Mosque prayers and the advent of any other females bringing some girly chatter.

This was my first time in the new indoor sanitised location with proper tables, no pigeons, and where the curry is still cheap and stays hot enough for one to take time to eat it. There was no need for coats , hats, scarves and gloves, and for me, although it lacks that al fresco ambience of decaying decrepitude, it is actually more welcoming and more civilised.

We have had our blinds in the bedrooms and living room changed to blackout ones today. No longer will bystanders outside be able to share our life through the windows after dark. No, we will be isolated and cocooned in our own little world, safe from prying eyes.
There will be no uncalled for shenanigans despite the privacy- we are very respectable people.

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