A Guppy

This is one of my home bred guppies. It's a cross between an Endlers Guppy and a bog standard three for a fiver guppy. I had these massive females which I figured could breed with the Endlers (which is tiny) and create average sized guppies of wonderful colour.

The Endlers guppy is quite brightly coloured, like a neon tetra. It's this cross breeding that has created such a flash of odd colour in the body. Over the years the breed has been watered down (the original Endlers died way back in 2008, and this little fella is his twelve generation grandson or something) but I have managed to spread the breed. Several relatives now also give my strain of guppy a home. I decided to name my strain the Gain Ward Guppy in honour of my favourite ever Lincoln players.

In other news my cat is a right little arsehole. She just sits at my lounge door making noises as if she is being tortured. To make matters worse a lovely friendly tabby has taken to sleeping under my living room window (on the outside) and waiting for me to leave the house. No lies, I'm being stalked by a cat.

I see the X Factor is on again. I bought the daily comic The Sun today to have a nose at what passed for culture today. Apparently the yearly idiot show is well into it's three thousandth fucking series and is producing the usual heroes and villains.

I also notice that someone called Jessie J is winning a lot of awards. I imagine those awards are for songwriting, innovation and making music that matters? No?

It's because she claims to be bisexual and wears provocative clothing?

Shit. So you're telling me that Lady Gaga wasn't a musical genius creating meaningful and empowering solutions to lifes harsh landscape?


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