
Well today was a f$ckin non starter.

Had a sore throat yesterday, nothing too bad, just a tingle - Nothing to moan about. Started on the strepsils as it was a little tingly.

Awoke at about 4am this morning burning hot and my throat felt like some helpful person had decided I should attempt to digest a cactus sideways whilst having an assistant jab things into my throat from all directions.

Eventually got back to sleep after a warm drink and more strepsils. This morning I woke up and got myself to work (1 minute late). Cue the boss asking if I was ok and me replying "No - Throat is killing me, can I be placed onto non-telephony work for the day?".

The boss came back with a winning line "We are unable to have any walking wounded today, it's either go home sick or answer the phones"

So I left the office, furious at this. Taking a day off ill is not something I do lightly, in fact my office keeps tabs on these occasions and follows a strict absence policy (Understandable). But surely me turning up for work and offering to deal with correspondance or other such non talking work for a day is acceptable? In fact, I plan on returning to work tomorrow and (hopefully) being back on the phone, or if my throat shows no signs of improvement I shall advise the boss that I will in fact be given alternative work and that I shall be contacting the HR team about today's attitude - Why should I have to record a day off sick because I cant talk? There is always other work that can be completed within the business....

Anyway, captured this guy when I ventured out for some air to clear my head (Did not really work, still furious at work). Why is it not the weekend?

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