It's So Stobo!

Daughter#1 who works in the art world had been involved lately in the cleaning and reframing of a picture to be hung in Stobo, and had met briefly 'Mr Stobo' himself, so when she saw him passing as we arrived yesterday, she thought to ask him where the picture was hung.

After being spirited away to regions unknown for an hour while I sat like a lemon waiting to check in, the completely unexpected result was to find our room upgraded to one which didn't involve a climb up to the attic.

What a bonus. Upgrades don't happen to me. I have neither the aura or the clout, but obviously my daughter has.
She insists that her integrity was not compromised in any way. I do believe her, I really do.

Today we have tried to mitigate the effects of eating too much and drinking too much thanks to his Lordship's very sweet gesture of having a bottle of champagne sent to our room.
We have swum lengths of the pool, been pummelled, massaged, plucked and steamed, aromatic, crystal and otherwise. And we've sat and relaxed watching others exercising in the pool.

The only fly in the ointment was the bill at the end. No matter how much you prepare yourself for the compilation, it always comes as a shock.

I think I managed to disguise my horror quite well but it does bring you back to earth with a bump.

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