The slow process of clearing out rubbish goes on and quite a lot of time was spent yesterday going through a couple of boxes with various leads, cables and USB device connectors. Fortunately several of them identified as to what they are supposed to go with. Among other things threw out one of the old thick printer cables with multipin connector at each end. They used to cost a bomb but told myself I'd be lucky to find, outside a museum, a computer with the right socket. Also dug out this old 350D which was my first introduction to digital SLR. Charged the battery. Today nice and bright so mowed the lawn - quite a struggle as the grass was a bit overgrown and very wet. Then into the garden with the 350D and got a photo for blip of the brightest patch of flowers - seemed to be working OK. Thought when I connected it to the computer it would be easy to get the images off it but it seems I need the driver. Can't even see it as an external drive. Fairly sure I have the original sofware disc somewhere so will give it a try. Can't really sell it or even give it to a charity shop unless I know it will work properly. I was surprised how small and light it seems although that's partly due to the kit lens which is quite a bit lighter than the ones I normally use.
- 0
- 0
- Olympus u1050SW,S1050SW
- 1/100
- f/4.8
- 18mm
- 200
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