Who knew?

By InOtherNews


It looks like a fish. It lives in water and it eats fish food. However this fish is different to every other one in my tank: it's the only one I have left that I haven't bred.

That is apart from a couple of my catfish.

Worked today, bath in a bit and bed by half ten. However got to listen to City first, currently 3-1 up at Alfreton Town. Alfreton. What the (censored) has become of my club? We are playing a team that (and I tell no lies) has a window salesman out wide, a window cleaner in the centre of the park and a sex therapist in goal. Okay one of those was a lie.

They also have Drewe Broughton who 'played' for us last season. I say played, I actually mean wore the shirt and banked our money whilst spending every Saturday afternoon warming a solitary plastic seat on the subs bench.

I've been listening to this game for about fifteen minutes, and so far all I've heard is a rubbish game of football featuring no action at all. Somehow we've scored three.

In other news there is a right commotion outside, banging about and allsorts. I hope I'm not being burgled.

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