Big Sky Shutterfly

By caitthegreat


WHEW. What a day.

Today I was an extra in a tv show about zombies that Chris' production company is filming.

It all started at 7:00 AM when Chris and I headed to the Doubletree hotel, which mere hours later would become the zombie-headquarters. Since I was the first volunteer zombie to arrive, I got to be a "tier one" extra, meaning I got more advanced makeup and more screen time than the tier two "bushwacker" zombies. In other words, I got color contacts. A blessing and a curse.

After a few hours of preparing all the zombies and organizing the locations for each shoot, we split up and headed to our spots. We did filming in an alley, on a mountain (I got to tackle Chris as he was playing an unsuspecting hiker), at the zombie shop (where the zombie tools are made in case of an apocalypse), and finally at the "bunker." Did I mention there was also a helicopter filming aerial shots? It was even cooler than it sounds.

We wrapped at about 5:30 and were completely spent but thoroughly entertained. It was so fun to work with such a cool company and being on tv (and the news..I was was early...I hadn't been fed....I wasn't terribly eloquent) was a definite bonus. And now we play the waiting game until the premiere!

PS this picture was taken at the very end of the day so my hair is deflated and my makeup is wearing off..but still a convincing zombie nonetheless!

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