Boys will be boys

When I picked Sebastian (grandson) up this morning he was very excited to be going in the car - but totally uninterested in getting in his seat in the back.

It never fails to entertain me that boys will ignore anything that doesn't have wheels. It doesn't matter how many toys we offer Sebastian, he will go straight for the thing with wheels - and if it has a steering wheel all the better! 1 year old and already car mad - though trucks are pretty good too. I can't wait to introduce him to my Dad's huge line hauler. And my sister's trucking business.

Great day today. Caught up with my friend again - the one who has been visiting from across the Tasman. Did a bit of shopping with her and Bastian then delivered her to the airportwhere Bastian had a wonderful game of, "get Granny to chase me all over the terminal." Mostly ducking under tapes that are there to funnel people into the right check in counters. Granny's not as young as him and he thought it was hilarious that I couldn't just run under them like he could. Grumble, grumble, creak, moan.

Of course I loved every minute of it.

Then the lad and I went to visit one of my sisters. She has two HUGE dogs - a New Foundland and a Neopolitan Mastif. Sebastian, leery at first, thought they were marvellous by the time we left - his favourite bit was having his face washed by a tongue that is bigger than his head!

I delivered him back to his Mum absolutely tired out and stinking of dog.

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