Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

To & Fro

Another busy (& headache-laden) day, so I only got out to drive to & from work. Lately, it seems to & fro is all I go. I know: no fun in that, but that's what my day gave me. I still found some beauty around me, though. It was such a gorgeous, sunny day. I wished to be outside in the warmth. Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer, so hopefully I'll make up for it then.

Here's another roadside farm scene for my series. There is also a little red covered bridge over a small creek with a Weeping Willow tree I just love on this property. Hope to get a shot of that for another day.

For now, the heated neck wrap is coming out. (2 herniated discs is all I know. It's a regular nuisance for me). I will try to relax & catch up on some of your journals.

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