Final Goodbye!

Today was the final assembly for the Class of 2011!

What a lovely ceremony! Father Grant Thistlewaite did the reading and brought such a deeply touching message in his Anglican Church, right next to our school! All and everyone were in tears right through the morning! The matriculants were all absolutely emotionally drained!

Needless to say, R snr, who was the master of ceremonies at the valediction last night as well as at the final assembly this morning, was so emotional at times, the realisation of his only child becoming an adult now, was just too much to bear! His humanity was so touching, everybody appreciated him for that! C and I were just as drained as the two R's tonight!

In this picture, the exiting prefects were called to the stage, and then the new prefects for 2012 were announced, and stood in front of them.

We are so proud that R jnr's dear little Anrie will be a prefect next year as well, she is the one standing third from right, next to the two boys who were elected for next year, the third elected boy was absent today, he is sick. R jnr stands next to the very tall guy in the back row, second from left! They were singin the National Anthem with the whole congregation, that's the reason for the mouths in all awkward positions!! ;-)

C&R snr invited a few friends as well as Anrie's parents over for supper tonight, we had lots of fun chatting about the past year or two and looking at pictures of the matric dance, etc.

Tonight was a super lovely conclusion to the fruitful high school career of our dearly beloved Ronnie!

Good luck for the coming final exams my dearest grandson! May your first paper on Monday be what you're hoping for, in order to give you hope and courage for the rest of the exams!


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