While on my runs

By waipushrink

Queen palm sunset

Today has been long (at work) and tiring, and at the end I had to be back home for the geek to correct problems that have arisen after he solved other problems on Monday. Would have been cheaper to have thrown away the printer and bought a replacement. One learns.

Early run, and daylight saving means that I started out in the dark, Went through Western Park with insufficient light to get a decent picture of the Sky Tower with blue lights; probably means Sky City supports the French against the English on Saturday.

I did get some amusing pictures later in the run, and would have been posting one of those, but for tonight's sunset. The deck of our apartment provides us with a grandstand view of the sunset behind the Waitakeres. There were great cloud formations tonight, and I took a number of shots striving for one that might be different enough to satisfy me.

This one does. The orb of the sun was a blazing light between the cloud layer and the horizon. Too bright to look at. So I positioned myself to use the fronds of the queen palm we have in a tub on the corner of the deck, as a mask. I then focussed on the fronds so that the sky (and sun) is soft, and brilliantly coloured as this was only a minute or two before the sun disappeared totally from view.

Not while on a run, and yet another sunset; with a variation.

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