my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm


As I'm going to cut my hair tomorrow and won't be looking like a 50's throwback when I tie it up I had a great / idiotic* idea to recreate the cover of Bowies Heroes for my blip tonight.

* delete as you deem fit.

Anyway - after a LOT of pics...still couldn't get it quite right but it did waste some time on a rainy Wednesday night. Time that I should have spent washing up and not dicking around with my hair and camera. But what the hell eh?

So blip is the 'trying to take a pic' set up.

I *may* even post the quiff pic one certainly channels Mr Bowie in that the photo would have 'my mother in a whirl...she wouldn't be sure if I was a boy or a girl"

Back in the day I was a huge Smiths / Morrissey Fan... and had the finest quiff around. Maybe I was hankering for the old days :)

Girls are away from home tonight - so just having a quiet night, listening to some music and chilling out.

Hope you are too...wherever you are


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