my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Let there be Light

Another nice day chalked up. Work was really productive, I'm so lucky to adore my job and share an office with two of the loveliest ladies you could ever meet.

The girls rode their scooters to school for the first time...and we were injury free although little one managed to come home with 2 accident reports today from school.

Paid the deposit and admin fee for the house today so hopefully it will all go swimmingly now. I need to sort out changing all the addresses and utilities next but that's cool, used to doing all that stuff on my own now.

I was stressing about moving the old washing machine from the garden (the one I replaced with help from twitter )

It has been sitting there since January! My plan for this week was to ring up the council to move it...but I would have to had a day off work to open the gate for the removal guys...and, and, and it was becoming a huge hassle in my mind.

Anyway - the washing machine was sitting out back gathering rust when I left for work on Monday and when I came home on Monday night it was GONE!

I don't care who took it - if it was nicked for scrap, then thank you muchly dear people and I hope you got enough for a couple of pints. If it just assended into washing machine heaven...then alls good.

I do like it when the worry fairies come and deal with another one of lifes little troubles for me..

I checked tonight and it's still gone...just all my solar lights to pack and take with us when we move. Hence the blip.

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine"

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