
By marshland

Bouncing around!

Marshland mum (Beth).

I'm blipping this on behalf of Isabelle tonight as it's been a long day and she's only just managed to get tucked up, comfy, warm and relaxed in bed.

The Marshland gang have been viewing a local secondary school this evening. It's been an evening full of explosive and hair-raising science experiments, food tasting, craft and design activities, music, movement, gymnastics and, of course, senior management speeches. It's been a very positive evening, leaving both of the girls excited at the prospect of secondary school (not that Libby will be going for another 3 years!)

Tonight's blip was taken whilst Isabelle tested the trampolines. As always there's a story behind this picture: Libby, being Libby, readily accepted the teacher's offer of a turn on the big trampolines and couldn't get her shoes off fast enough. Isabelle, however, was very much more reserved and politely refused the offer...until her dad started taking the small change out of his trouser pockets and undoing his shoes, saying that if Isabelle didn't get on the trampoline, he would! Needless to say that Isabelle's shoes came off quicker than lightning and she joined the queue. She'd obviously decided that having a go on the trampoline herself was far less embarrasing than her dad going on - I must agree with her there!

It's funny when you recall your own childhood and remember your parents embarrasing you beyond belief (because they're so old that they don't know any better). I can clearly recall thinking that I'd never do that to my own children. I wonder at what point we Marshland parents turned into our own parents? Scary thought really!

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