Hunting by Moonlight
Mr B left for London today, leaving me a long long list of jobs at the MBH. With tomorrow probably not a work day (due to kids' clubs and it seeming unfair to make Conor play outside the MBH while I work, since he's not allowed to run with his broken arm and can't play many games one-armed), I thought I'd best get a good start today. So lots of sanding (ooh my favourite) and a new all time rubbish job: painting a ceiling with a mix of paint and water... (paint drops everywhere at the best of times, make it runnier and it's like having a shower). The house seems to have been originally (or at least the last but one time it was decorated) painted with some kind of lacquer. The previous owner put emulsion over it, which hasn't stuck very well. We presumed the flaking paint was just regular old-house-flaking-paint, but it is not and just slides off the weird lacquer layer if you try to paint over it. Sigh. I have some test patches painted with different things to see what works best. And if you're very lucky I'll bring you the results in a future blip...
All of which is to say that nothing exciting happened today. Apart from ongoing worries about the Euro. Mr B explained a few scenarios of what might happen if it all goes wrong(er) and how that might affect us. That kind of stuff always seemed so far away from my little life, but my friendly neighbourhood doomsayer has put paid to that.
As if the hornets weren't enough to keep me awake at night. (Mr B engaged in epic battle with another one last night and was astounded at how many times he had to hit it. It was Die Harder all over again in our front room.)
This is obviously not a hornet, but a spider outside the window against the moon (well it was when I stood on a chair and leant to one side a bit). Odd how the moon looks all round when it's actually a half moon tonight.
Oh, and yesterday is backblipped if you'd like the full set, but it's not very exciting.
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