Clear plate
I'd love to see more of these at our dinner table. Tonight things came to a head with Conor over dinner. I know they say you shouldn't battle your kids over mealtimes - but it goes against whatever limited parenting instincts I have to let my kids eat a rubbish diet.
Conor has some food hurdles: reflux meant every meal (milk included) for his first 13 months was thrown up and food allergies (now much reduced) had him on a necessarily restricted diet for a year or so. So I get that there's a history, and that our reaction to his history is probably as important in his current food issues as his. Currently he will eat endless amounts of pasta, rice or potatoes. Breakfast is always Oatibix. He drinks enough milk that I've not previously been too worried about protein intake and there are some meats he will eat, but as he's growing up even that is becoming a worry.
Vegetables and fruit? Don't go there. Apart from an occasional carrot (raw) and apple (peeled) he won't tolerate them.
Tonight I got to the point where I felt we'd tried everything and I didn't have a clue what to do.
Backblipping this, which is just as well as you've been spared a longer moan about food.
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