Nature day after day

By loveofnature


Another Goldfinch but these birds are just gorgeous I couldn't help it! They love the sunflower seeds and they come and visit it every day without fail. I've noticed a couple of youngsters (without the red, white and black face markings) too and wanted to get a photo of one of them but none landed near enough for a good shot. Maybe next time?

My Dad has been felling trees and the cotoneaster near to where our suet feeder is and now there's a big gap where my Mum's intending to put her new greenhouse (she's retiring at the end of the month). It's very weird having this open space looking out of our living room window as that cotoneaster has been there as long as I can remember! The Starlings now have to perch on the large tree stump next to the lilac bush and along the fence as the cotoneaster has disappeared!

I also cleaned out both nestboxes this afternoon and didn't like the mass of slaters (woodlice), forky-tailys (earwigs) and spiders which had made the boxes their home! The one which Bob and Bo the Blue Tits nested in earlier this year had bits falling off it and I think it's definitely passed its sell by date! I think we're going to have to put the new one on the arch instead but the Blue Tits didn't really like this one and preferred the old one. Oh well they're just going to have to get used to it! At least I've got rid of the huge forky-taily nest that was in it. Eeeeeek!

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