Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Sorry spider haters

I know spider blips seem to be a bit of an issue at the moment and I'm not a huge fan myself but couldn't resist this one.
We've got a hedge on the edge of our front garden which is about 5ft 10 (it's a few inches taller than me) high. It is on either side of the path. This morning as soon as I opened the door I could see a huge, very detailed web at the top of the hedge across the gap with a big fat spider in the middle.
I photographed it, we watched the spider chase and eat a fly that landed in it, then I ducked under it and took Cameron to school.
When Andrew and I got back we avoided it again and I thought that maybe I should do something about it before 2 friends came for lunch.
Then I looked out to see the postman approach the door madly swatting at his head and waving his arms around! Oops!

So it was all ok when the lovely Sarah and Philippa (and baby Izzy) came to lunch. We ate too much and chatted a lot. it was a very nice afternoon.

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