Snips and Snaps


Snowdon Railway

So the plan was, set off late from Llanberis, do a big horseshoe and end up on the summit of Snowdon between six and seven to watch the glorious sunset over the sea. Trot down the big path, following the railway with headtorches. Did the big horseshoe, a bit quicker than anticipated, got to summit 5.20 just in time to get a hot choc from the caff, sat on summit to watch a mighty bank of cloud on the horizon, no sunset! Trotted back down - no need for headtorches - just - made it to Vaynol arms before stopped serving food. A bit hazy but shows train at the top of the track just before summit and down in left hand corder, train heading back to Llanberis fully laden. Fab day out!

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