Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

September's Farewell

All afternoon the clouds arrived -- first just a few, then more, and finally we had a crowded sky of glowing white cotton balls. I looked at them and wondered if they'd delight us with fiery passion as the sun made its exit.

Several hours later we made an early evening trek to the store to purchase some needed groceries. As we entered the supermarket I told Mr. Fun, "I sure hope we don't miss a performance in the sky."

We wandered the aisles of the market for entirely too long, but as we approached the check-out, I excused myself to step outside. As the glass doors slid open, I stepped into a gigantic ampitheater of colored sky -- peach, pink, rose, magenta -- I was entirely too close to the buildings to capture the magnitude with my little point and shoot. The sky seemed like a multi-stage arena. In every direction the clouds were showing off with a slightly different configuration from anywhere else in the sky. I just stood in silence looking and clicking.

Inside the store Mr. Fun got caught behind a man who was returning a small package of mushrooms. That exchange caused him to miss all but the last few flickers of color.

Well tomorrow brings a new month and another digit on my "blip-counter." I don't have anything significant planned, but I do think a bottle of champagne would be appropriate.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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