Tiny Urchin Toes

23months 9days

These tiny toes havent worn a pair of shoes all day. The rest of the tiny body didnt want to wear clothes, but spoilsport mummy insisted.

We had a really great time this morning. We met Ava and mummy at the new play centre at the gymnastics club - we got there first and Katie refused to go in without Bobbobs. The girls were belting round the place, loving the space to run all over, with the mummies loving the fact its been well designed and is secure, safe and happy. Everything's been done to really nice quality and thought through. The girls can climb pretty much every climby bit, and delighted in doing so a lot.

We went to the gym room to discover the airconditioning had broken. All the little gymnasts felt it for their class! They all just kept sitting/lying/flopping on the floor after a while. Katie was desperate to go on the bar again today. They did the circuit (Katie did twice round but then decided it was too hot and had munchy time!). They all rather enjoyed a following-the-rope trail, and a bit of "throw a bean bag at a cone". Although Katie wore the cones on her head more than threw the bean bag! They danced with ribbons, bells, and hoops. All of the children seemed rather pleased when it was quiet time with puzzles!

After gymnastics, I gave her some lunch and took her to nursery. They said she almost immediately went to sleep in the cradle chair that they use for settling her. She slept for nearly 2hours, which is really big progress. When she woke, she was a bit disorientated but one of her keyworkers took her outside on her own and sat with her, which settled her. Again, huge progress. She refused to eat their tea (despite loving it!) and scowled & turned away when offered pudding. As she turned, apparently she spotted that it was ice cream, so turned back, took it and ran away!

We've had a nice play since we got home, lots of sticklebrickws again. Katie has also been wearing the bucket as a hat a fair bit. Soon, Cousin2 is coming for a play for a bit, which Katie will be very delighted about!

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