Who knew?

By InOtherNews


This started out as a cryptic clue to a band. To understand the tangent I've gone off on your must understand the band I wanted to do: REM.

My idea was to open and close my eyes with a long shutter speed: Rapid Eye Movement or REM. Somehow I've ended up doing a symettrical shot of one half of my face and making my eyes look like the devil or someone. This level of self indulgence should not be tolerated at all. I don't comment on peoples journals and then hit you with a picture that took ages to create.

And it's crap.

You should feel cheated.

My journal is in danger of becoming the infamous 'third series'. I should learn from Ricky Gervais and just stop while it's popular.

I won't though. I'm a blip-junkie.

In other news my curtain rail fell down (again) and I've just carved enough Moo Cow* into a pan to soak up two jars of Biriyani sauce.

* Moo Cow: What my Mum used to call a cow when we were little. We also had 'Bunny Rabbit' and 'Cock Robin' (I suspect the robin doesn't find that as derogatory as I would). Sheep were just sheep.

I think it wore off around the time I found five 'Bunny Rabbits' suspended by their hind legs with a small bullet hole in their heads gently drip-bleeding into a tray in the shed. It's hard to gloss over an experience like that. I've never eaten rabbit funnily enough. I don't think my old man could understand the issue I had with eating something that I'd seen bleeding into a metal tray in a shed full of spiders.

I was only looking for my football.

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