Who knew?

By InOtherNews


This is a misleading picture. It appears that in it I am cursing someone away to my right (your left) for some foul deed. I'm not.

I'm actually looking up at the big man upstairs and acknowledging him once again. The big man knows how to pull of some pretty mind boggling stuff.

See he watches me personally. I know that. Everytime something goes wrong around me it always works out okay or better. Every wrong turn I take seems to actually be a meandering road to good fortune. I'll give you a relevant example.

Back in 2007 I had a big career choice. I was aiming for Branch Management of a builders merchant. I'll be honest: I was a fair way off. The Lincoln branch of Jackson Building Centres is one of the three biggest single site merchants in the country. Managing that was out of immediate reach.

I took the option to move into training and systems, believing that adding the computer knowledge to my repetoire would help my search for an ABM role (Assistant Branh Manager). Plus I'd be out and about around our 22 sites in the East Midlands.

To cut a long story short it all went tits up. I eventually ended up stuck on the end of a phone taking IT queries, mainly through a forced reorganisation of departments. I was 'cast down with the sodomites'.

Things went worse as I churned through two further jobs in eighteen months. On september 2nd this year I found myself officially unemployed for the first time since my late teens.

Today I was officially confirmed as the Assistant Branch Manager of Jewsons on Deacon Road in Lincoln. Salary? Same as my last role. No drop at all. I arrive at my destination four years later and smelling of the finest Moulton Brown mens toileteries range.

Okay there are the frayed edges to the news. I find myself a few weeks short in the cash flow department and face a fairly challenging winter, but it's all good. I know the man upstairs has my back.

I'm sat here now in my four bedroomed house, fully renovated in the last three years. I have a car I dreamed about as a youngter sat on the drive (well lawn, but round here that passes as a drive). I have the job role I started working towards at the age of 21. I have a full, healthy family complete with nephew and god son. As you can see, I'm not a bad looking lad either (and right there is the famous sense of humour i've been blessed with).

Yup, I guess it's all in the bag really. All I have to do is keep taking photos and then dramatising every little hiccup I encouter using the medium of the written word. You laugh, I moan and the big man makes sure it all keeps ticking over nicely.

Apart from one thing. My football team are absolute gash. Last night we lost to Barrow (that's right, we lost to a garden maintenance implement) 1-0. I'm not going to complain though. Not me. Why?

Because I have a job.

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