
By dailykeith


A day off today in the middle of a week (plus next week) working at another of my employer's offices 50 miles away.

A working day means getting up at 5am, toiling relentlessly without any breaks until 7pm and getting home at 9pm. Then after tea it's bed at about 10.15pm so I can be up early again the next day.

It's sheer hell, and the day off is largely spent recovering until the next instalment.

So it won't come as any surprise that today I (a) had a headache most of the day and (b) fell asleep halfway through the day.

On the bright side, I did eventually manage to get out. I had to get my car taxed, buy a jar of mayonnaise(!), get my hair cut and, when I had recovered enough, go to the gym.

This is me in the early evening just after getting back home - sporting a new haircut and still wearing shades to keep the headache at bay.

Anyway, off to bed. I have to be up early.

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