Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Emergency Blip

Well I had some photos from the island today but my MacBook pro is giving me a lot of trouble -says it is too full so I keep deleting files but never enuf- and now the photo program Aperture will not even open!! Grrrrrr.
So don't know what this week will hold. This is our yummy quinoa stew with kale we had for dinner, taken with the iPhone, as is. If I get the computer fixed, I will replace it. Funny blustery day with intermittent showers. Had our boat delivered by the boatyard since we couldn't figure out a way over to them on Saltspring. I can still get to the website to look and comment with this old 3G phone.
AND .... The TV signal is dead. Not a big deal for me who only consented to this ancient TV here for the millennium new year shows around the world. But H is a bit of a news junkie, so not a happy camper. We can still watch a DVD. That's it for tonight/- hope to keep in touch!!

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